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Taiwan Travel Diary #25: Best pancakes, worst service

For some reason, there are barely any blog posts about cafes in Taipei. Whenever I travel, I try to look up cute places to visit and I usually do so by consulting my dear friend Google for blogs. 
However, that's not the case with Taiwan. Here, I usually try to figure out where to eat, which places to try by scrolling around Instagrams #Taipei Hashtag, and just taking screenshots of whatever looks delicious. Occasionally I even look up the name of a place on Chinese blogs. That doesn't always work out well though.

While my Chinese is okay-ish, I'm usually way too lazy to read through a whole blog post all in Chinese, so I never really know anything about the Cafes I visit. Except that their food looks good.
This place is one of those. The first time I went, a classmate and friend had looked it up, and their panncakes looked amazing~
They offer mostly Hokkaido style desserts and thus, the cafes interior also has a northern, slightly rusty feel to it.

Now, before it gets confusing:
The first time I went, I went to Cafe LeTao, near Sun-Yatsen memorial station.
The second time, I went to Cafe Konayuki.
Two different locations, two different names, but basically the same cafe run by the same owner.
I'll generalize a bit here, since my experiences in both places was basically the same.

Both Cafes interior is quite simple, with neutral colours.
They offer different desserts, sandwiches, drinks, etc.
All of it looks delicious.
Now here's the catch, and one thing i absolutely dislike about Taipei.
Minimum charge.
Lots of places tell you every person on your table needs to order at least 100NTD (or any different amount), or order at least a drink, or simply that every person needs to order something.
Which is slightly annoying by itself (since lots of times friends share food etc) BUT this place made it even worse.
Even though my friend and I already both ordered a full meal (pancakes + sandwiches), that's not enough for them. You HAVE to order either a drink or an ice-cream sundae per person.
Which makes the whole experience pretty expensive, as their pancakes alone are already 360 NTD, and the cheapest drinks start from 120NTD (also they taste awful).
So every time i went, i ordered an ice-cream sundae as well as they're not much more expensive than a plain coffee and at least they're something special.

The waiters weren't particually nice either, and definitely not worth the usual 10% service fee.

So that's the fruit sundae (190NTD, I guess?), not really anything special but ok.

Their Matcha / Red Bean sundae is a lot better as it includes delicious chestnuts and cereals.

The one reason why I'll probably end up going to this awful café again even though I hate how they make you spend so much money:
Their pancakes. They're amazing.
They're super light, and fluffy, and sweet and just so, so good.

So that's it~ i'm not sure if i could recommend this place to anyone, they have the absolutely best pancakes i have ever eaten in my life, but also their service is super unfriendly and if you only want to eat pancakes, it's kind of frustrating that they make you order more.
If you're planning to eat pancakes and ice-cream sundae anyways, go for it.
If not....well, decide for yourself. Just don't order their cafe latte, you'll end up only drinking the free water anyways.

Love, Lydia


  1. Their pancakes are so unique and so appealing. Thank you for this post!


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